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Accelerating delivery and lowering risk of global financial services firm’s move to Azure data warehouse

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Accelerating delivery and lowering risk of global financial services firm's move to Azure data warehouse

Expert Thinking supports a global financial services firm in their migration from a legacy Oracle data warehouse to an Azure data platform. We provided mentoring, technical design reviews, coding patterns for ETLs and platform integration support to the technical delivery teams. This enabled the customer to have confidence in their design, accelerated technical delivery, reduced delivery risk and enhanced integration with their new transactional systems.


Our customer was constrained by its legacy data warehouse and analytics platform and recognised the need for a new solution that would seamlessly integrate with a new cloud-based transactional system. Specific problems included:
Our customer recognised a move to a cloud-based data platform would meet the business’s needs and align with their technology strategy, but needed assistance in terms of design and engineering support.


Expert Thinking supported the solution architecture and engineering, focusing on:
“Expert Thinking has significantly contributed to our confidence in moving to the cloud by reviewing our approaches and design as well as providing technical input and practical support, helping focus us on areas of value, where it would be easy to be overwhelmed by the vast amount of options and information available in the cloud arena.”


We helped our customer avoid many of the pitfalls that organisations encounter when moving to cloud data services, specifically:

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