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Where has the magic of cloud gone?

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Has the magic really gone? Hell, no! The magic isn’t how you build and implement your cloud. The real magic is in optimising your use of cloud, maximising the value and benefit, unlocking the real power of cloud. It’s about taking you from 40% of the benefit to 100%.

Most unwittingly end up with a cloud solution that delivers a fraction of the benefits. They extend their existing legacy processes, systems and ways of working. They fail to embrace the service-based utility computing model. And, more often than you’d like to think, they fail to address the security and data compliance risks.

The point is, don’t just use cloud – make the most of cloud. Use it in anger. To really benefit from cloud you must acknowledge that the way your teams use and consume cloud is as important (if not more important) than the technology itself. It’s not the technology, it’s how you apply the technology that makes the difference.

The question I ask myself over and over again is, “why are 90% of people happy with less than 50% of the benefits?” Is it because it’s too hard to change the way people work, re-engineering processes, coaching teams? Is it because the investment required cannot be justified? Is it because people don’t know what they’re missing?

No, I don’t think so.

I think it’s because they’re listening to the wrong advice. Or, they are limited by the knowledge and experience of those that are supporting their journey. The result; most fail to deliver the significant benefits that cloud “promises”.

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